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Working from Home with Dry Eyes: 4 Steps to Take

Working from Home with Dry Eyes: 4 Steps to Take

Staring at a screen is something many people who are working from home these days spend far too much time doing. Having your home space also serve as your workplace means lines can easily get blurred, and you find yourself glued to your devices for extra hours every day.

Harlem VistaSite Eye Care in New York City provides a full range of eye care services, including treatment for dry eyes. Here’s what we recommend you do if you work at home and are having dry eye symptoms.

How working at home increases dry eye risk

Dry eye syndrome can mean your eyes feel hot, itchy, scratched, gritty, or burning like someone sprayed a chemical in them. They might also look red, and your vision could get blurry. Rubbing and pressing against your eyes doesn’t do any good; in fact, it makes things worse.

People who work from home don’t stop staring at their screen as much as people who work in an office do. At home, it’s easy to get locked in the zone and barely blink as you type and scroll. The result is major eyestrain and the tendency of your eyes to dry out.

4 steps work-at-homers can take to alleviate dry eyes

You may be able to prevent or reduce eye dryness as a work-from-homer. Try these four tips to reduce eye strain and prevent dryness.

1. Implement the 20-20-20 rule

Every 20 minutes, opt for a 20-second break, and use that brief time to look at something at least 20 feet away. This 20-20-20 rule helps you give your eye muscles a break, and you’ll also remember to blink as you refocus.

2. Use a filter on your screen

You can reduce eye strain by checking your monitor settings or installing an app that provides a filter on your screen. By switching to a pale golden background with dark brown letters instead of a white background with black letters, you can give your eyes a more restful experience.

3. Try eye drops

Over-the-counter eye drops may help resolve your issue if you only suffer from occasional dry eyes. If symptoms persist, there might be something more to your issue, and you should definitely get checked out by an eyecare professional. 

4. Hydrate

Part of the solution for “dry” anything is hydration. Make sure that you’re drinking enough water and other fluids to help your tear ducts do their job. Adding omega-3 fatty acids like flaxseed oil to your diet can help, too.

At Harlem VistaSite Eye Care, our specialists routinely recommend solutions for dry eyes, such as prescription eye drops, tear duct cleanouts, or even amniotic membrane treatments to restore natural tear production.

To learn more, schedule a consultation by calling 646-453-6506, or book online.

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