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What to Expect from Your Cataract Treatment

 What to Expect from Your Cataract Treatment

Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide, but they aren’t an automatic sentence of vision loss. Today’s cataract surgery options are both accessible and effective, and your doctor can tailor your treatment for your specific case to help you have the best experience and results possible.  

At Harlem VistaSite Eye Care in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City, Brittni Rodriguez, OD, and Sarah Quan, OD, can diagnose cataracts and recommend the proper treatment for your case.

Cataract causes

Your eyes work because of how the different parts of the eye work to accept and process light, and transmit those signals to the brain. At the very front of your eye is the lens. Light comes through the lens and hits the retina, which sends the messages to the optic nerve to be interpreted by the brain. 

When the lens becomes clouded, light is blocked from reaching the retina. These cloudy or hardened spots on the lens are called cataracts.

There are three main types of cataracts:

Cataract symptoms 

The early signs of cataract are fairly similar across all major types. You’ll need a professional to examine your lens to identify which type you have. Identifying cataract early is critical for successful treatment and to prevent unnecessary vision loss, so it’s important to get your eyes checked yearly or sooner if you have any of these symptoms:

At Harlem VistaSite Eye Care, our team uses retinal exams, visual acuity tests, and slit-lamp exams to identify cataract issues. If you have any of these symptoms, schedule an appointment as soon as possible. 

What to expect from cataract treatment 

The best option for cataract is usually lens replacement. An intraocular lens (IOL) is used to replace your damaged lens in a quick surgery that usually takes less than an hour per eye. You will normally be allowed to go home the same day, and full healing takes just a few weeks. Cold packs on the eye generally take care of any discomfort, and your vision should improve significantly after your surgery.. 

To learn more about cataract surgery, schedule a consultation with the specialists at Harlem VistaSite. You can get in touch by calling 646-453-6506 or booking an appointment online.

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