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What to Do When You Have Cataracts

What to Do When You Have Cataracts

We tend to take our vision for granted, but aging and disease can quickly take that surety away. Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide, but cataract surgery is more effective and accessible than ever. If you’ve begun noticing symptoms of cataracts, getting diagnosed is the first step to finding treatment. 

At Harlem VistaSite Eye Care in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City, Brittni Rodriguez, OD, and Sarah Quan, OD, can help you navigate the fears and concerns surrounding cataracts and recommend the best next steps for your condition. 

Cataracts 101

Our eyes operate off a simple concept: Light comes through the lens to the retina and then passes through the optic nerve to be interpreted by the brain. Cataracts occur when the lens becomes clouded, blocking light from reaching the retina. 

This can occur in a variety of ways

It can be difficult to determine what kind of cataract you have without a professional diagnosis. However, many of the early symptoms are consistent across different types. 

Symptoms and diagnosis of cataracts 

Most people don’t get their eyes checked as often as they should, especially as they get older. Yearly visits can begin feeling pointless and repetitive after years of no changes, and the decision to skip your appointment one time can quickly evolve into years without an evaluation. 

However, if you begin noticing problems with your vision, a visit to a specialist should be at the top of your schedule. Symptoms of cataracts include: 

The early signs of cataracts can be subtle, and they are often mistaken for age-related vision loss at first. At Harlem VistaSite Eye Care, our team can easily diagnose cataracts using retinal exams, visual acuity tests, and slit-lamp exams. 

Assessing your treatment options 

Once you’ve been diagnosed, you and your doctor can begin discussing your options. The standard treatment for cataracts is surgery, but if you aren’t a good candidate for that option, our team will work with you to manage your cataracts and preserve your vision as much as possible. 

To learn more about cataract surgery, schedule a consultation with the specialists at Harlem VistaSite. You can get in touch by calling 646-453-6506 or booking an appointment online.

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