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4 Problems that Contacts Correct

While glasses are still one of the most popular methods for correcting vision, contacts have been evolving and gaining popularity for decades. If you lead an active lifestyle, are concerned about how your appearance will change with glasses, or just want the convenience that contact lenses can provide, a contact prescription may help you improve your vision and your life.

At Harlem VistaSite Eye Care in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City, Brittni Rodriguez, OD, and Sarah Quan, OD, can diagnose your vision issues and help you decide if contact lenses are right for you. 

Four vision issues contacts can correct

Contact lenses can correct many of the same vision problems that glasses can, which makes contacts a viable alternative for many people. Contacts are often prescribed for: 

  1. Astigmatism, or blurred vision 
  2. Hyperopia, or farsightedness
  3. Myopia, or nearsightedness
  4. Presbyopia, or close-up vision loss caused by aging 

Contacts work in the same way as glasses, but they make direct contact with your eyes, hence the name “contact” lenses. They float on the tear film that covers your corneas, and they stay in place because their curves mirror the curves of your corneas. Contacts allow for crisp, clear vision that feels natural. 

How to tell if contacts can fix your problem

The first step to getting contacts is getting an accurate diagnosis. In most cases, an eye exam and consultation will narrow down your issue, and your optometrist can take it from there. If you suffer from any of the vision conditions listed above, there’s a good chance that contacts can correct your vision. 

However, there are other factors to consider when getting contacts, such as the following:

Types of contact lenses 

There are many types of contacts, but they can be sorted into two general categories: hard or soft. Soft contact lenses are flexible and easy to adapt to. Some soft lenses require daily replacement, while others can be worn for extended periods of time.

Hard or “rigid” lenses are more durable than soft lenses, and they allow more oxygen to get to the corneas, which can help prevent dry eye syndrome. However, hard lenses may take more time to get used to than soft lenses.

Care requirements for contact lenses 

If you plan on getting contacts, you must commit to keeping them clean. Eye infections caused by contacts can cause serious damage, so it’s important that you keep your contacts clean and sanitized. It’s also important that you change them out as recommended by your doctor.

Getting a contact lens prescription 

Your contact prescription needs to be tailored specifically to your eyes, which is why consulting with an optometrist is important. Never buy contact lenses without an up-to-date prescription. Your optometrist will do a comprehensive eye exam to make sure your lenses are the right size, shape, and strength. 

At Harlem VistaSite Eye Care, we offer a number of types of contact lenses along with professional exams and advice. If you’re interested in getting contacts or just want to update your prescription, book an appointment online or over the phone today.

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